Did You Use All Your Vacation Days in 2023?

Kevin Wasonga
5 min readJan 29, 2024


You know, 2023 was a crazy year. A lot of things happened, both good and bad. Healing from the pandemic, the climate crisis, the robot uprising, the second coming of Jesus, the third coming of Elvis, and the fourth coming of Keanu Reeves.

OK, maybe I exaggerated a little bit. But you get the idea.

Now, despite all the chaos and uncertainty, we still had one thing that we could look forward to: our vacation days.

Yes, those precious days when we could escape from our daily routine and enjoy some quality time with ourselves, our family, our friends, or our pets. (Or our aliens, zombies, robots, or celebrities, depending on your preference.)

But here’s a question: did you use all your vacation days in 2023? Or did you let them go to waste?

According to a recent survey by the Pew Org, only 46% of workers worldwide used all their vacation days in 2023. That means that 54% of workers left some or all of their vacation days unused. That’s a lot of missed opportunities for relaxation, adventure, fun, and happiness.

Why? Well, there could be many reasons.

Some people might have been too busy with work, or too afraid to travel, or too worried about money, or too guilty to take a break. Others thought they didn’t deserve them, or didn’t realize how important they are.

But whatever the reason, I’m here to tell you that not using your vacation days is a big mistake. And I have some facts to back it up.

Taking vacations can have many benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional health. It’s true. Studies have shown that taking vacations can:

  • Reduce your stress levels and lower your blood pressure
  • Boost your immune system and prevent illnesses
  • Improve your mood and increase your happiness
  • Enhance your creativity and productivity
  • Strengthen your relationships and social skills
  • Expand your horizons and enrich your life

Go for a week, or a month, or a year. Go for fun, or for learning, or for healing. Go for yourself, or for others, or for the planet. Just go.

And if you need some inspiration, let me tell you about some of the places I went to in 2023.

I Went to Mars

Yes, you read that right.

I went to Mars. And it was awesome. How did I do that, you ask? Well, it’s simple. It was my vacation period, I signed up for the Starship program, and I got lucky. I was one of the 9 people selected to join the first crewed mission to the red planet.

I mean, come on. How many people can say they went to Mars? Not many, right? Do the math!

We had to deal with some challenges, like space food but we had a lot of fun, like playing games, watching movies, doing experiments, and making friends.

And the best part was, we got to see some incredible sights, like Mars itself.

We also got to meet some friendly aliens, who taught us their language, culture, and secrets. They were very nice, and they gave us some souvenirs to take back home. (Don’t tell anyone, but I have a Martian rock in my pocket right now.)

The best vacation ever. And you know what? You can do it too.

Well, not Mars, but you can find a good place and visit. There are so many amazing destinations on Earth, you just have to explore them.

Tropical Paradise

Hawaii, baby!

Hopped on a solar-powered flight with Hawaiian Airlines for the tropical escape of a lifetime. Eight hours of turbulence, noise, and volcanic vibes — but oh, the rewards. Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands, Waikiki Beach — pure bliss.

We had robots (yes, they’re a thing), learned their secrets, and basked in the beauty of Hawaii.

Hawaiian Airlines is gearing up for more flights; why not snag a seat?

Hawaii is a paradise on Earth, with its stunning scenery, rich culture, and warm hospitality. You can surf, snorkel, hike, or just relax on the beach. You can enjoy the local cuisine, music, and dance. You can learn about the history, legends, and traditions of the Hawaiian people.

You can have the time of your life.

Wizarding World Tour

Last but not least, Hogwarts. Got a letter, took the plunge, and joined the muggle exchange program at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Finding Platform 9 3/4, dodging Whomping Willow, and sorting into houses.


Learning magic, playing Quidditch, and making potions. Rubbed shoulders with celebs (I’ve got a wand in my backpack, shh).

The sights?

Great Hall, Forbidden Forest, Chamber of Secrets — pure magic. Yes, magic!

You might think I’m joking, but I’m not. Hogwarts is real, and it’s awesome. It’s a place where you can unleash your inner wizard or witch, and discover a whole new world of wonder and adventure.

You can make friends with people from different backgrounds and cultures, and learn from the best teachers in the magical world. You can face challenges, solve mysteries, and have fun. You can be yourself, and be happy.

All in all, you deserve it — big time.



Kevin Wasonga
Kevin Wasonga

Written by Kevin Wasonga

I'm a writer who talks about many things—like how to be better and where to go for fun. Email: smi.paq@gmail.com for "collaboration"

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